Thursday, April 15, 2010

Good design for screen genre

There is a lot of definition of Good design in this world, If I need to pick one definition, I will choose a definition that I get from : Good design is simple, timeless, solve the right problem and good design is hard.
to make a good design especially is for you to publish and show to the public, is not easy, because you need to make something that other people can agree and understand with your creation. Now, I would like to critique my own slide, that I use on my 1st group assignment in IPD class, although there is only about 20 audiences during my presentation, but this is still include work that showing to the public.

According to reep (2006) Document design refers to the physical appearance of a document.So if we look at my slides, the physical appearances are including every single thing in my slide. now I'm going to start analysing my slide:

Overall, I'm using Calibri typeface, the size is 40 for header, and 28 for the body.means that there is a proportion inside, between heading, sub-heading and body. I have a consistency in the terms of header, and typeface remains the same for whole slide. with using white background combination with catchy color such as orange, red, blue, green and purple, hopefully make the audience awake.I used graphic aids which is tables (slide 6).I used bullets point to explain in-depth about my example (slide 4 and 6).

* my slides above shows that we are actually reading in the "Z" form of visual.
although I arrange the number unaligned ,
but you still can read it because I arrange it base on the "Z" visual*

But there is always some part that I missed. Start with the quotation, I'm suppose to put a quotation in the slide, so that people could more understand about my topic rather than only spoke it. I'm not using a Jumplines because I arrange my slide accordingly. The sequence of my slide is interrupted, because I put less word that make unclear explanation in my slide (slide 3,4,8,9,10) especially for the picture in slide 8,9,10 I suppose to put sources and a small explanation above the picture such as "website" ,It's to give information about this picture.
It's also support by (Lane,King & Russell 2004, pg.518)

Many Illustrations cannot tell the story alone–they require a headline to complete the communication. So, the headline is extremely important to keep peoples interest:
-Lane, King & Russell 2004

There is a white space that obviously seen at the slide 3 and 4, where by actually I can put some little word to make the particular slide have a balance composition. I didn't bold some important sentence, because I prefer to emphasis it with differentiate the size.
from the explanation above, I'm sure that for overall physical appearance, my slide meets the requirement.but still there is the things that I need to work out as I explained above.


Lane, W,Roland,King,W,Karen & Russell,Thomas,J , 2005, Kleppener’s Advertising Procedure,Pearson Prentice Hall, US.

Reep, Diana C. 2006, 'Chp 4: Principles of Document Design,' in Technical Writing, 6thEdu, Inc., New York, p.173-190.

Taste for makers, February 2002, viewed on 15 april 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

New form of media publishing

If we are talking about new form of media, It's absolutely about media that we are consuming nowdays. If you can recall back what kind of media that we have when we wass in primary school? maybe magazine,newspaper, tv and radio is the only media that popular. and how about these days?
Yeap, They are still exist in our society. but are they an effective media to reach audience? Nowdays, some of the media are no longer become a trend media in the society, but Internet does. according to the Kress and van Luween says “and we suggest that we are in the middle of the shift in valuation and uses from one mode to the other, from the “old” to “new” visual literacy in many important social context

How the new media change media ecosystem?
the power of new media is very strong, It's very strong untill can unite the world. let's pick up one issues that still warm in our mind.
Haiti . January 12 2010 haiti's earthquake occure in boundaries region, hunderd thousand people die and they have not enough men power to built up his country. but now, Haiti recover their country step by step,people start to help with the man power and donation comes from around the world. but how the news can spread effectively into the world? the answer is because new media give a lot of impact to this issue.

with the internet that connect people around the world, we can spread the news effectively.i
n order to spread the news from the internet , there is many ways . start with the website, and then create a blog, post video in you tube, and join the group at facebook. all of this is a new form to catch the audience.

This website is establish by a organization that helping Haiti. they invite people to donate through their website. it's really an easy way with only click on the button and confirm your identity, you can help them

With creating page in facebook, it can immediately reach out the target audience. as we know nowadays facebook is a popular media, the place when a lot of people meet a do an interaction. with created such a page it's easier for the organization to deliver the message to the audience


This tweeter is create for reaching an people that join. If the realhope4haiti is following you, you will be able to see the update of what they are doing. and it's really working because audience can see that they actually working on their service.


there is a lot of video about Haiti had been publish on you tube to touch people heart and make them to donate. one of the best video is "We Are The World 25 for Haiti" over 80 artist in US are gether to record the song from Haiti. This video is very powerfull

The power of new media has change Haiti, and I believe it can change the world.


Kress, G. & van Leeuwen, T. 2006. Reading images. Chapter 1: The semiotic landscape: language and visual communication.

The Star, Haiti approves key post-quake reconstruction body, 15 April 2010, viewes on April 2010

We are the World 25 for haiti - Official video, February 2010,viewed on 15 April 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Explain briefly types of blogging communities & methods to build blogging communities.

In my opinion, blogging community is structured from two words which is bloging and community, so this is the group of people that doing blog. blogging community is a place where blogger are create their network between them with gathering, sharing, exchange information,about their hobby, interest and life. Some of the community will have their frequent activity in many way, they might just gather in the virtual world, or they are actually meet up in the real world.
There is a lot of type of blogging community, it's depends on the interest of the writer. some writer might interest in heavy topic like political issues,economic, some of them just blog about their life style such as food, traveling, fashion and games. according to white, community can divide by three:

communities can divided by 3 ; One blog centric (getting to know the bloggers and community though the link) , Bounaried (join a community and post the blog), and Topic centric (exemplified groups of bloggers)

How to create a blogging community? according to and there is steps to build the bogging community. for both website, I have my version of craeting blogging community.
  1. decide our permanent address/ URL,with state the clear objective of your website you can actually link other website from you site
  2. with Update your information often, you are actually increase traffic in your website. use the counter to keep up your number.your blog need to be popular before you convince other people to join.
  3. develop relationship between blogger, you can actually visit their blog and give the comment on their post. with doing this you are actually showing that you active and interest to the other blog.and from there you can actually meet new blogger and have more network.
  4. ask other to participate in your blog, and don't forget to give the feedback of their comment, with doing this you are actually showing a real interaction and care about them.
  5. if you are popular enough, you can actually convince them to join you blog, slowly built up your readership and create a community logo
I pick one example of fashion blogging community : is a fashion community and social network for people who love fashion. Keep up with cutting edge fashion. in this blog there is alot of people all around the world are sharing their information about fashion and sharing their opinion.

how contributing writer, How to start a blogger community, viewed on 9 april 2010

how to build community on your blog,26 april 2008 , viewed on 9 april 2010

white,nancy ,2006, blogs and community- launching a new paradigm for online comunity,viewed on 8 april 2010

Classification of blogs & opinion about the most appropriate classification approach

"web blog is a web site that contains online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer." Merriam-Webmaster dictionary

As blogging has getting famous in recent years, blog become a demand to the people that want to find an information. from that reason, blog can be devided in many classification. trough my observation, this is an example of the blog classification:

Blog according to the subject : Fashion blog's

People has their own life, their own hobby and interest. base on their interest their start to write something bout it. This is the example of people that have passion on following fashion trend nowdays. Katya Moorman post about her dialy life, snapping picture of people that following the trend and discuss it on her blogs.

( Sources :

Media blogs : Vlog = video blog

Another type of blog is Vlog, where by the blogger are actually record their self to delivering message to the audience and they publish it trough their blog. Ussually what they did it's just talk about their dialy life, their opinion about some issue that happen recently. It's a great media because rather than reading we are actually can get the visual expression, more effective to catch audience attention.

( Sources :

Commercial blog : advertise their shop/ establish blog for shopping

This is example of the blog that selling a goods. blog is free marketing medium that can use for people that start the business with low budget. this blog actually put their information such as background of the company, rules for ordering and contact on their side. they also put an advertisement such as icon to link other blog from this blog.


There is another classification from the reading "taxonomi of blogs". According to Margareth Simon there is 9 type of blog :
  • Pamphleteering Blogs :an individual opinion in essay's form arguing about certain issue.and the other people will gave their point of view.
  • Digest Blogs: summarize or collect material that published in the mainstream media or from other blogs.
  • Advocacy Blog: advocacy group who gives their point of view about a certain issue.
  • Popular Mechanic Blog: Blogs that give people tips how to do certain things.
  • Exhibition Blog: people that display or showing their work to the audience.
  • Gatewatcher Blog: their being a media dog-watch that reporting the issue that had been publish.
  • Diary Blog: blogs about people life style, and sharing their new experience and feeling.
  • Advertisement Blog: they selling some products through blogs
  • News Blog: Blogs that report news from different perspective from around the world.
according to the Xiaoguang Qi and Brian D. Davison 2007, there is 3 classification :
  1. blog identification (to determine whether a web document is a blog)
  2. mood classification. (when their sharing their feeling)
  3. genre classification ( according to their genre)
Basically, blogs are for those people that looking for some additional information and people opinion about it. some of the website doesn't give in depth information because of some reason. trough the blog people are seeking the similiar answer and interes regardless some issues. I personally prefer Davidson classification because it's more simple and more general, although almost similar with Simon's opinion.


a taxonomy of blogs, September 2008, viewed on 15 april 2010

Davidson,Brian, Qi, Xiaoguang , (2007,june), Web Page Classification: Features and Algorithms.Department of Computer Science & Engineering : Lehigh University.

definition of blog,2010, viewed on 15 april 2010

Blogs as current phenomenon & benefits of blogging to the community

Nowdays, Blog is being a popular medium for people to express their opinion about issue that happening around the world. with the simple reason of started a blog, there is lot of journalist that actually born from this new media. In order to maintain the relationship between bloggers , there is a term that had been found in order to interlink one to another called blogsphere. according to about the definition of blogsphere "Blogosphere is a term some writers have used to describe the grassroots and interactive journalism made possible by participants in blogs "

according to my observation through , there is record in 2008, where by 133 million blog have been publish by Technorati since 2002, and the number of blog are increasingly until now.

(Source :

From the presentation above, shows that the amount of blogger increasing everyday. This fact is supported my opinion which is with the high number of blogger compare to journalist, as soon as possible the position in the journalism world will be retake by bloggers. And It's might give some negative effect which is there will be no proper rule on journalism because the blogger tend to write according to their opinion.

The topic of their blog is currently different one to another, some of the blog are use to personal purposes and some of them for commercial purposes. In Mala
ysia, the trend of blogging are become one of the most popular in the teenager-adults society. according to my observation, certain people choose to write blog about their life style, such as sharing their new expirience. but recently the most popular one is for blog shopping. according to Google trend Google start to found the blog shop in 2005, and it's still increasing until now. The chart above is showing that most people is doing blog on their lifestyle.

Blog shop is one of the example for lifestyle blog. the reason why they choose blog as a medium, because blog is cheaper, we can say that is non-cost website and it's easier for them to promote their goods trough Free Social Media Marketing News such as Tweeter and Facebook. It's benefit to the society because blog shopping is actually one of the easy way to shop, there is more option to avoid over use of credit card because they can purchase it directly.


Blogosphere, 3 march 2006, viewed on 9 april 2010,,sid26_gci1007574,00.html

bloging hits mainstream, Integral to Media Ecositem,2010, vieewed on April 11 2010

The Reason why Blog Shopping is becoming popular today


With a very proud, Finally..this blog is publish *clap hand :)

Firstly, This blog is establish for educational requirement in one of my subject which is Issue Publishing Design. The purpose of this blog is to bring up the issue of the media nowadays, and further information about the issues. discussion and explanation of the issue will be provided as well. Hopefully this blog can be a great spot to float up the student expressions about their understanding, through research and opinion. where by in this case in me :)