Thursday, April 8, 2010

Classification of blogs & opinion about the most appropriate classification approach

"web blog is a web site that contains online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer." Merriam-Webmaster dictionary

As blogging has getting famous in recent years, blog become a demand to the people that want to find an information. from that reason, blog can be devided in many classification. trough my observation, this is an example of the blog classification:

Blog according to the subject : Fashion blog's

People has their own life, their own hobby and interest. base on their interest their start to write something bout it. This is the example of people that have passion on following fashion trend nowdays. Katya Moorman post about her dialy life, snapping picture of people that following the trend and discuss it on her blogs.

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Media blogs : Vlog = video blog

Another type of blog is Vlog, where by the blogger are actually record their self to delivering message to the audience and they publish it trough their blog. Ussually what they did it's just talk about their dialy life, their opinion about some issue that happen recently. It's a great media because rather than reading we are actually can get the visual expression, more effective to catch audience attention.

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Commercial blog : advertise their shop/ establish blog for shopping

This is example of the blog that selling a goods. blog is free marketing medium that can use for people that start the business with low budget. this blog actually put their information such as background of the company, rules for ordering and contact on their side. they also put an advertisement such as icon to link other blog from this blog.


There is another classification from the reading "taxonomi of blogs". According to Margareth Simon there is 9 type of blog :
  • Pamphleteering Blogs :an individual opinion in essay's form arguing about certain issue.and the other people will gave their point of view.
  • Digest Blogs: summarize or collect material that published in the mainstream media or from other blogs.
  • Advocacy Blog: advocacy group who gives their point of view about a certain issue.
  • Popular Mechanic Blog: Blogs that give people tips how to do certain things.
  • Exhibition Blog: people that display or showing their work to the audience.
  • Gatewatcher Blog: their being a media dog-watch that reporting the issue that had been publish.
  • Diary Blog: blogs about people life style, and sharing their new experience and feeling.
  • Advertisement Blog: they selling some products through blogs
  • News Blog: Blogs that report news from different perspective from around the world.
according to the Xiaoguang Qi and Brian D. Davison 2007, there is 3 classification :
  1. blog identification (to determine whether a web document is a blog)
  2. mood classification. (when their sharing their feeling)
  3. genre classification ( according to their genre)
Basically, blogs are for those people that looking for some additional information and people opinion about it. some of the website doesn't give in depth information because of some reason. trough the blog people are seeking the similiar answer and interes regardless some issues. I personally prefer Davidson classification because it's more simple and more general, although almost similar with Simon's opinion.


a taxonomy of blogs, September 2008, viewed on 15 april 2010

Davidson,Brian, Qi, Xiaoguang , (2007,june), Web Page Classification: Features and Algorithms.Department of Computer Science & Engineering : Lehigh University.

definition of blog,2010, viewed on 15 april 2010


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