Thursday, April 15, 2010

Good design for screen genre

There is a lot of definition of Good design in this world, If I need to pick one definition, I will choose a definition that I get from : Good design is simple, timeless, solve the right problem and good design is hard.
to make a good design especially is for you to publish and show to the public, is not easy, because you need to make something that other people can agree and understand with your creation. Now, I would like to critique my own slide, that I use on my 1st group assignment in IPD class, although there is only about 20 audiences during my presentation, but this is still include work that showing to the public.

According to reep (2006) Document design refers to the physical appearance of a document.So if we look at my slides, the physical appearances are including every single thing in my slide. now I'm going to start analysing my slide:

Overall, I'm using Calibri typeface, the size is 40 for header, and 28 for the body.means that there is a proportion inside, between heading, sub-heading and body. I have a consistency in the terms of header, and typeface remains the same for whole slide. with using white background combination with catchy color such as orange, red, blue, green and purple, hopefully make the audience awake.I used graphic aids which is tables (slide 6).I used bullets point to explain in-depth about my example (slide 4 and 6).

* my slides above shows that we are actually reading in the "Z" form of visual.
although I arrange the number unaligned ,
but you still can read it because I arrange it base on the "Z" visual*

But there is always some part that I missed. Start with the quotation, I'm suppose to put a quotation in the slide, so that people could more understand about my topic rather than only spoke it. I'm not using a Jumplines because I arrange my slide accordingly. The sequence of my slide is interrupted, because I put less word that make unclear explanation in my slide (slide 3,4,8,9,10) especially for the picture in slide 8,9,10 I suppose to put sources and a small explanation above the picture such as "website" ,It's to give information about this picture.
It's also support by (Lane,King & Russell 2004, pg.518)

Many Illustrations cannot tell the story alone–they require a headline to complete the communication. So, the headline is extremely important to keep peoples interest:
-Lane, King & Russell 2004

There is a white space that obviously seen at the slide 3 and 4, where by actually I can put some little word to make the particular slide have a balance composition. I didn't bold some important sentence, because I prefer to emphasis it with differentiate the size.
from the explanation above, I'm sure that for overall physical appearance, my slide meets the requirement.but still there is the things that I need to work out as I explained above.


Lane, W,Roland,King,W,Karen & Russell,Thomas,J , 2005, Kleppener’s Advertising Procedure,Pearson Prentice Hall, US.

Reep, Diana C. 2006, 'Chp 4: Principles of Document Design,' in Technical Writing, 6thEdu, Inc., New York, p.173-190.

Taste for makers, February 2002, viewed on 15 april 2010


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